Detection of Hexavalent Chromium Ion in Water by Optode Membrane
Cellulose triacetate, Hexavalent chromium, Membrane, Optode, PollutantsAbstract
Chromium is a heavy metal that is often found as a water pollutant. High concentrations of hexavalent chromium (Cr(VI)) ion in nature are toxic and carcinogenic, so their presence in water needs to be monitored. Detection of heavy metals in water was carried out using an optical sensor membrane (optode). The optode was fabricated from cellulose triacetate polymer with plasticizers (oleic acid and acetophenone), aliquot 336, and the chromoionophore 1.5-diphenylcarbazide (DPC). The success synthesis of optode was evidenced by FTIR and SEM characterization. The optode performance produces a linear response in detecting Cr(VI) ion in the concentration range of 0.02-0.40 mg/L with an R2 of 0.9930, as well as the best conditioning at pH 3. The detection and quantitation limits are 0.0055 mg/L and 0.0165 mg/L. The sensitivity of the chromium optode was excellence, with a molar absorptivity value of 8.8303 × 106 M-1cm-1. The performance test results of the chromium optode were acceptable because they meet the specified requirements for minimum detection concentration value.
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